Election 2024: Who Wins?
Investing Q&A
How GDP Metrics Distort Our View of the Economy
05/15/2015 Christopher P. Casey GDP purports to measure economic activity while largely divorcing itself from the quality, profitability, depth, breadth, improvement, advancement, and rationalization of goods and services provided. For example, even if a ship — built at great expense — cruised without passengers, fished without success, or ferried without cargo; it nevertheless contributed to […]
Donald Trump’s Whig is Showing
This article was originally published by the Mises Institute on March 21, 2017 On February 28th, while addressing a joint session of Congress, President Trump quoted Abraham Lincoln and praised his economic philosophy: The first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, warned that the “abandonment of the protective policy by the American Government [will] produce want and […]
Lies, Damned Lies, and Government Statistics
There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics. – Mark Twain, 1906
The January 2021 Presidential Election Winners: President Pence and Vice President Harris?
No, the general election on November 3rd will not be postponed, but the future President of the United States may be elected by a different group of voters on a much later date – and it may happen after the new Congress convenes on or around January 3rd.
The War on Cash Explained
The phrase “the war on cash” refers to the deliberate efforts by governments and central banks to reduce and/or eliminate the frequency and size of cash transactions within the economy.