Inflation Fears: Shades of 1974?
How This Plays Out: An Interview With James Rickards
The pandemic and corresponding draconian containment efforts have created an economic and financial situation unseen since the Great Depression. Everyone wants to know whether the economy will rebound quickly or if we will experience a prolonged recession. How does this play out? Noted financial expert James Rickards foresaw such economic calamity last year when he wrote […]
Why Economics Should Guide Investment Allocations
Jeff Deist, President of the Mises Institute, interviews Christopher Casey.
The War on Cash Explained
The phrase “the war on cash” refers to the deliberate efforts by governments and central banks to reduce and/or eliminate the frequency and size of cash transactions within the economy.
Bitcoin is Only the Beginning: The Future of Cryptocurrencies
A bitcoin investment of $10,000 in early 2013 would be worth nearly $2 million today. Why have cryptocurrencies risen so much in value? It is because they represent more than an evolution in money, for their underlying blockchain technology is a force as potentially powerful and disruptive as the Internet. The Financial Repression Authority interviewed […]
20 Minutes with Doug Casey
Few investment experts have the unique background, opinions, and uncanny timing possessed by Doug Casey.
Are Gold Stocks Good Long-Term Investments?
Today, many mainstream financial pundits fail to see gold and silver mining stocks as viable investments.
End the Fed: an Interview with Dr. Ron Paul
Most mainstream financial pundits view the Federal Reserve as a bastion of economic wisdom and a stalwart protector against inflation, recessions, and economic turmoil. Dr. Paul disagrees.