How This Plays Out: An Interview With James Rickards

The pandemic and corresponding draconian containment efforts have created an economic and financial situation unseen since the Great Depression. Everyone wants to know whether the economy will rebound quickly or if we will experience a prolonged recession. How does this play out? Noted financial expert James Rickards foresaw such economic calamity last year when he wrote […]

The War on Cash Explained

The phrase “the war on cash” refers to the deliberate efforts by governments and central banks to reduce and/or eliminate the frequency and size of cash transactions within the economy.

Bitcoin is Only the Beginning: The Future of Cryptocurrencies

A bitcoin investment of $10,000 in early 2013 would be worth nearly $2 million today. Why have cryptocurrencies risen so much in value?  It is because they represent more than an evolution in money, for their underlying blockchain technology is a force as potentially powerful and disruptive as the Internet. The Financial Repression Authority interviewed […]

20 Minutes with Doug Casey

Few investment experts have the unique background, opinions, and uncanny timing possessed by Doug Casey.

End the Fed: an Interview with Dr. Ron Paul

Most mainstream financial pundits view the Federal Reserve as a bastion of economic wisdom and a stalwart protector against inflation, recessions, and economic turmoil. Dr. Paul disagrees. 

Our Economic Views

We are economic thought leaders following the free-market oriented Austrian economics, whereas most advisors follow Keynsian Economics and tout the merits of money printing and government intervention. Global central banks have printed tens of trillions of dollars out of thin air as global debts exploded. Yet most advisory firms act like this is just another “normal” investment environment and allocate capital the way they’ve always done so. In our opinion, this is not a normal environment and requires an acute understanding that the pillars of the world are now built on a mirage of bubbles with serious consequences for growing and protecting wealth.

In an attempt to offset continued economic weakness, governments are reacting with spending, debt issuance, and intervention in the economy on a scale without precedent in modern history. Although these policies may buy time, they cannot solve the underlying issues. Ultimately, governments will repay debt with their last remaining option – printing more money. As money floods the system, this will drive inflation higher despite continued weakness in the economy.

Under these circumstances, the current conventional model of a static bond and stock mix will fail. It will fail investors in realizing reasonable returns. It will fail investors in preserving their purchasing power after inflation. And it will fail investors in protecting their capital and securing their retirement.

The conventional experts do not foresee such risks. But these same experts missed the prior 2000 tech bubble and 2008 housing and stock bubble.  Today they are missing the bubble in government debt and the ramifications of unbridled money creation. WindRock understands these issues and positions clients to not only minimize their risk associated with these dangers, but to profit from them.